Denmark, a unique opportunity to grow your MBE Franchise

Denmark is one of the most attractive countries in the world to invest in when it comes to developing your MBE franchise. This country is precisely one of the countries that has seen the greatest growth in the use of e-commerce. Logistics franchise opportunities are growing year after year for our sector of economic activity. In this article, we explain why you should choose Denmark to establish your Master Franchise.

Denmark, a strategic enclave in Europe where e-commerce is unstoppable

Denmark is considered the number 1 destination in Europe for closing business deals, according to data from the World Bank. The explosion of entrepreneurs and the entire ecosystem that surrounds them has generated multiple business opportunities. Add to this a strategic location that connects continental Europe with the rest of Scandinavia, and Denmark is your business connection to 500 million people. Not only that, Denmark is the sixth-largest country in the world in terms of the volume of tonnage operated by ships and is established as a key hub for the passage of goods.

In recent periods, Denmark’s e-commerce rates have been increasing every year. In 2019, the Danes spent DKK 146 billion on online shopping. The boom in these sales is complemented by customers’ predilection for picking up their orders at distribution points, rather than having them delivered to their homes. This upward trend in the Danish market is a strategic asset to increase the Mail Boxes Etc. network in Denmark. 

An opportunity for MBE franchising 

SMEs, the main customers of Mail Boxes Etc. centers, are a key player in the Danish economy. Economic data show that they are one of the main drivers of growth in the country, with an average job creation rate of more than 3%.

Moreover, the number of franchises in all economic activities is growing in Denmark. The Scandinavian country is well accustomed to the establishment of franchises in all areas. Denmark has a very high number of different types of franchises in commerce, hotels, car rental companies and restaurants. If you wish to set up your franchise here, you will be supported by the Danish Franchise Association, as well as the advice of several MBE consultants.

Start a New Business in Denmark With MBE

MBE provides very good business opportunities for Denmark. To learn more about the opportunity, contact us and we will provide you with more details on the opportunity.

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