Over the recent years, India’s government has been taking many steps to improve the country as a whole, like expanding the franchising sector, improving the country's digital literacy, and building an ecosystem of startup companies. The recent rise in India’s focus on the backbones of India’s economy brings up an important question: What is India’s goal? To which the answer is: Become the world’s largest superpower by the end of the century.
India will need to address a few issues in order for them to reach their goal, but with current estimates, their expected growth will help them reach their goal by 2080. Their dynamic entrepreneurial sector, increasing global economic integration, and large and young population are the most important factors in achieving their goal.
The projected growth of India’s GDP from 2024-2028 is 6.5%, which if sustained, will push them past Germany and Japan to become the world’s third-largest economy by 2032, and by the end of the century, India is expected to emerge as the world’s largest superpower with estimated GDP of 90% more than China, and 30% more than the U.S.A..
India will be the next superpower of the world, it is only a matter of when. Their massive population is young, and India is counting on this demographic to help advance them to their goal.
(Photo: Unsplash)
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