Swiss Logistics: Where Precision Meets Panorama

Switzerland’s logistics market offers a promising opportunity for investors who are looking to tap into the rapidly growing market. Emerging business opportunities, a growing logistics market, and booming SMEs demonstrate the high ceiling and upside that come with investing in Switzerland.

Switzerland's expanding logistics market offers a reason why investors should take a chance on investment. The CEP market volume from 2014 to 2020 increased yearly for number of parcels shipped, with drastic shifts in the most recent years. In 2014, Switzerland was tracked at 169 million parcels. This number was able to grow slightly every single year, until 2020, where numbers were really able to take off. From 2019 to 2020, the CEP market grew from 225 to 271 million, demonstrating massive progress. This growth cannot be ignored, as it represents a huge opportunity for investment, with the market set to continue to grow. 

On top of the physical amount of goods being shipped growing exponentially, the revenue from physical goods in Switzerland  is also on the rise. From the years 2017 to 2021, revenues from sales of physical goods grew from 15.19 million to 24.83 million, nearly doubling in a four-year span. This growth in the E-commerce field is incredible, and must be given attention by potential investors. If this is not enough, projections of revenue in the future are staggering. Based on the growth displayed from 2017 to 2021, revenue is projected to jump to just under 50 million by the end of 2025, easily doubling the revenues from 2021 in the same 4-year time frame. The exponential growth the logistics field in Switzerland has shown is something that will leave investors in awe, pushing others to join those who have already jumped on the wagon.

Switzerland's growing business opportunity is one of the many reasons investors should jump at the chance to invest in the up-and-coming market. Switzerland's opportunity is growing in a variety of ways, helping justify future investments. To start, the pure population of Switzerland is rising, and is projected to continue to rise over the next half decade. In 2018, Switzerland's population was estimated to be at 8.48 million inhabitants. As of 2023, the population will have grown by 300,000, which demonstrates the rising population in the present. However, this is only projected to continue. With the population increasing and investments already paying off and providing massive profits, it's evident that business opportunities are booming in Switzerland, making it one of the many reasons to get involved in the logistics field.

Lastly, the thriving SME market in Switzerland offers another reason to be excited about the booming economy and logistics sectors. Having a positive SME market can often define an economy, representing job creation, high competition, innovation, and growth in a given market. With this being said, Switzerland has a great SME market, representing 99% of companies in the country, as well as two-thirds of the jobs. With SMEs controlling a high portion of business within the country, Switzerland is in a great place for economic growth and development. However, these SMEs are not just controlling a high portion of the labor, but are actually thriving and growing slowly over time. Switzerland's SME revenue from retail trade has grown from 90 million in 2012 to 110 million in 2022, representing gradual growth throughout the last decade, once again demonstrating reason to believe and invest in the country. The great SME market proves that Switzerland will be on the rise for future generations, making now the best time to invest.

Switzerland's obvious growth over the last decade proves that it is a great choice to foster investments for the next coming generations. Switzerland's advancements in business opportunity, the logistics market, and SME development all point towards positive growth, proving that there is no reason not to invest in the country. Want to learn more? Contact us below.

(Photo: Ronnie Schmutz on Unsplash)

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